
Copytrax Technologies UK Ltd

Unit 35, Dry Drayton Industries
Scotland Road
CB23 8AT
United Kingdom

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  • Mr Philip Allingham - Sales


Copytrax is a UK based company specialising in print technologies for digital media. We design and manufacture specialist machines for the printing of digital media including CD, DVD and Blue Ray. Our machines enable high quality, professional printing on a range of digital media at the touch of a button. Our machines can be used to print on an extensive range of surfaces including plastics, metals and glass.

Copytrax has over 15 years of experience in this field and we supply our technology on a national and international basis. Our commitment to continual investment in our technology means that we can offer our customers a range of technologies to meet their needs including manual CD and DVD copiers to fully automated systems for high volume production.

We understand that our high quality products have made us market leaders in this field and we also understand the importance of second to none customer service. We offer training, maintenance and technical support to our customers across our range of products.

CD Printers

At Copytrax we offer a comprehensive range of CD printing machines to meet your specific requirements. Over the last 15 years we have developed state of the art media printing equipment offering a range of benefits when compared to traditional printing methods. Our technology provides a fast turnaround time, can include low and high volume production and has the capability to allow easy editing mid project.

Copytrax technology is also cost effective with refillable ink tanks and automation for unattended production. Browse our website to see the full range of CD, DVD and Blue Ray printing machines available at Copytrax.

Flat Bed Printers

Copytrax Printmaster is our range of digital industrial inkjet printing machines. Our Printmaster range is specifically designed to complement traditional screen printing methods and has the capability of direct to surface printing on a range of materials. High quality printing can include CD and DVD discs, plastic parts, USB memory drives, fascia panels, confectionary printing and glass, to name just a few.

The Printmaster range provides high quality, cost effective printing and is suitable for rapid low and medium volume production. Our latest addition to the Printmaster range is the “Rubens” digital flatbed printer, which offers white pre-coat and highlighting under colours.

CD Duplicators

Copytrax offer a range of equipment designed to enable quick, efficient and cost effective reproduction of CDs, DVDs and Blue Ray. Copytrax produce duplicating products tailored to your specific needs whether you are a start-up company or a well-established business looking for professional digital media duplication solutions. Our latest innovative technology has the ability to duplicate USB flash drives, which is the ideal solution for business promotional products.

We offer fast and efficient standalone duplication towers that have the ability to duplicate 15 CDs within three minutes. All of our duplicating machines are user friendly and our Lightning Duplicators include hardware based copy protection to help discourage unauthorised duplication.

CD Publishing

Copytrax supply Epson’s Discproducer, the most advanced and reliable desktop publisher and printer. Discproducers can print and burn up to 100 customised discs, and this range includes vibrant six colour inkjet printers. Epson Discproducers come in five different publishing models to meet your specific requirements.

Epson’s Discproducers feature the patented Acugrip picking technology; this ensures that only one disc enters the drive even if two are stuck together. The MicroPiezo technology used in Discproducers ensure greater accuracy when firing ink droplets onto the discs for a sharper and more professional finish. Browse our website for full details of our Epson Discproducer range.

Worldwide Distributors

Our headquarters and our development centre are based in Cambridgeshire but we offer our technology on a worldwide basis. We have built many long term business relationships with well-known international companies. Copytrax has a global network of trusted distributors as well as a mobile team of engineers. We provide our customers with a high level of technical support either directly through our headquarters or via our local distributors.

Our customers can expect the highest level of technical expert guidance on any issues relating to our products and the reproduction of digital media. We value our customers and provide high quality customer services to both business and individual customers.

Adding Value to Digital Media

At Copytrax we believe that our technology offers the best on body printing available. If you are looking for photographic quality printing onto a range of surface materials including DVDs, CDs, HDVDs, USBs and media devices such as MP3 players then we can provide the most cost effective and professional equipment on the market.

Our technology can be used to easily and quickly reproduce images on the number of materials including glass, metal and plastic, and even offers a UV protective finish. Our printing technology allows customers to add value to every project and our proven track record in customer satisfaction is a testament to the high quality products we offer.

Cost Effective and Innovative Technology

Over the past 15 years Copytrax has been developing the most innovative and cost effective drive reproduction and printing technology available. Our technology is designed to help our customers maximise their profits by providing the highest quality of digital media products available. Our systems are designed to be fully automated and once set up they can work almost unmanned, which helps to minimise labour costs and increase production. Copytrax can help you whether you are looking for the fastest media reproduction equipment or the most up to date and professional media printing technology.

Contacting Us

Whether you are based in the UK or an international company there are a number of ways you can contact us. Our headquarters are based in Cambridgeshire, UK and phone numbers for national and international customers are available on our website. Our website also holds details of our email address and facsimile number. For international customers we have a wide range of global suppliers that we can put you in touch with. Do not hesitate to get in touch to arrange demonstrations and to meet our team who will be happy to discuss your requirements.



Registration Number: n/a
VAT Number: n/a
Founded:1 January, 1992 (32 years and 5 months ago)
No of Employees: n/a
Annual Turnover: n/a
Company Type:
  • Manufacturer
  • Distributor
  • Stockholder
  • Service Providers


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