
A.V.B. Mills Ltd

Mistral House
Parsons Lane
LE10 1XT
United Kingdom

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A.V.B. Mills Limited provides the hydraulic press industry with a fantastic range of services including service and maintenance, design, manufacture, supply and installation of most types of hydraulic presses. The company was established in 1993 and has manufactured a wide range of vertical and horizontal presses from 0.5 tonne pneumatic bench presses to 500 tonne hydraulic four column presses.

We have the expertise to undertake all kinds of project requirements however small or large they may be. Please give us a call at A.V.B. Mills Limited with your requirements and/or to find out more about our services.

'C' Frame Presses

Our top quality five tonne ‘C’ frame presses feature manual shuttle and hydraulic shot bolt location. They are supplied complete with profile guards, part present detection and tooling. Other features of the ‘C’ frame press include: adjustable ram return to position proximity switch, adjustable ram slow down proximity switch, adjustable ram advance position proximity switch/ pressure switch and remote relief valve to control load between one to five tonnes.

4 Frame Presses

The 80 tonne, four column press with powered rising screen guard is supplied complete with automatic clamping and is ram fitted with an adjustable stop nut. Standard features of the 4 frame press include: adjustable ram return position proximity switch, adjustable ram advance position proximity switch in combination with pressure switch and remote relief valve to control load between 20 to 80 tonnes.

Special Frame Presses

The 500 tonne, twin ram 4 column powder compaction press is designed for installation in hazardous areas. Standard features of this press include: linear transducers fitted to both platens to indicate platen position, pressure transducers to indicate applied load, adjustable platen position interlock pneumatic switches, powerpack and control systems mounted in separate motor room, press operated remotely via CCTV and monitor in separate room, automatic press cycle and stroke 750mm, daylight 1,840mm.

Horizontal Presses

The 60 tonne horizontal press with load monitoring is supplied complete with operator station and Ethernet connection to production control computer. Standard features of this press include: horizontal tunnel guard for component loading from overhead crane, load cell and linear transducer fitted to assembly ram, adjustable ram return position proximity switches, adjustable ram advance position proximity switch and pressure switch, cradle support for component, stroke 400mm, daylight 870mm.

100 tonne 4 Column Press

We offer a 100 tonne 4 column press which features a guide platen powered component loader and a powered component unload conveyor.  Access to tooling is made easier thanks to a rising screen guard.  The unit is flexible, with an adjustable ram return position switch, as well as an adjustable ram slow-down switch.  The remote relief valve controls loads between 10 to 100 tonnes.  Visit our website for a photo of the 100 tonne 4 column press, along with further information.


We strive constantly to supply our customers with high quality custom designed hydraulic presses that meet their needs.    Our list of clients includes Bar Systems, Eaton Corporation, Ford Motor Co Ltd, Honeywell Serck Heat transfer Ltd, Lloyds Ltd, Massey Ferguson, Nastech Europe Ltd, Torin, Turner Power Transmissions, and Visteon UK Ltd.  We are always happy to discuss your requirements, so please do contact us by email or telephone.  Contact details are on our website.



Registration Number: 02855870
VAT Number: GB643 0133 81
Registered at Companies House:22 September, 1993 (30 years and 8 months ago)
No of Employees: n/a
Annual Turnover: n/a
Company Type:
  • Manufacturer
  • Fabricator
  • Stockholder
  • Service Providers
UK Branches: Bridgnorth, Hinckley

Opening Times

Monday 09:00 AM - 05:30 PM
Tuesday 09:00 AM - 05:30 PM
Wednesday 09:00 AM - 05:30 PM
Thursday 09:00 AM - 05:30 PM
Friday 09:00 AM - 05:30 PM
Saturday Closed
Sunday Closed

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Additional Information

Company Certifications

ISO 9001:2015 - Quality management systems – Requirements

Financial Information

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